Plastic Surgery Of The Breast

Best Breast Plastic surgeon Bangalore

Breast augmentation (Boob job)

It is a surgical procedure done under general anaesthesia to increase the size, volume and projection of the breasts. It is a daycare procedure. You can choose from 2 options to enhance your breasts. Either a silicone implant is used for augmentation or fat from your own body is used. You can discuss this further with your surgeon to help you make the right decision for you.

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Breast lift (Mastopexy)

It is a surgery done to only increase the projection of your breast. This is to treat deflated and saggy breasts and make your breasts more perky and youthful. This is also a daycare procedure done under general anaesthesia. This will involve scars on your breast that fade away over a period of time.

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Best Breast Plastic surgeon Bangalore
Best Breast Plastic surgeon Bangalore

Breast reduction surgery

It is a surgical procedure to decrease the size and volume of your breasts. It is the treatment for gigantomastia (Huge breasts) which helps women who have symptoms like back pain, rashes and dermatitis due to the large breasts. This also can be carried out as a daycare procedure under general anaesthesia. This surgery also involves scars placed strategically over your breasts which fade over a period of time.

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Breast Cancer Surgery and Reconstruction

Women who have breast cancer need not be condemned to have no breasts after mastectomy as cancer treatment. Dr Vybhav Deraje works with the breast surgeon to provide breast reconstruction services to women with breast cancer either during the cancer surgery itself (Immediate reconstruction) or on a later date (Delayed reconstruction) depending upon the condition.

The most commonly performed operation is reconstruction of breast using abdominal tissue (DIEP/ MS-TRAM flap) in which the woman has the additional advantage of having a Tummy Tuck at the same time besides the recreation of a beautiful breast using tissue from abdomen. If the abdomen is sometimes not available, tissue from the thigh (TUG flap) or the back (LD flap with implant) can be used. All the above surgeries involve a hospital stay of 4-5 days in total and the surgery is done under general anaesthesia.

Subsequently the nipple and areola can also be reconstructed by minor surgeries done under local anaesthesia. Some women who only require lumpectomy and partial breast resections can benefit from a host of oncoplastic procedures available to make your breasts look harmonious.

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Best Breast Plastic surgeon Bangalore
Best Breast Plastic surgeon Bangalore

Gynaecomastia surgery (Male breast reduction)

It is a surgical procedure done as day care procedure done for the treatment of Gynaecomastia (Enlarged breast in men). It is very common for adolescent men to have this problem and a comprehensive hormonal work up is sometimes required to investigate the cause. It involves Liposuction, surgical excision and sometimes both for the proper treatment. The aim is to give a natural masculine appearance to the chest. Usually there is no scar left on the chest due to this surgery.

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If you need any more information, kindly call us at +91 9535581616. or email us at or book an appointment using online contact form.


Look at what our patients have to say about their experiences with us.

Very comfortable to deal with. He clearly explains the condition and builds confidence. Also clarifies all your questions with patience. Highly recommended. Thank u sir.


Amazing doctor. Explained things thoroughly during treatment. Made my deep cut mark on cheek fully disappear, which I never thought would happen.


I was exceedingly comfortable during the surgery and Dr. Deraje is a wonderful surgeon. He also assisted me in getting a certificate promptly for my injury. My scars have healed perfectly too.


I met with an accident and surgery done for my finger tip. Vybhav did very well and I didn’t expect that my finger tip would survive. He has done very well and helpful person as well.